Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Maximize Your Brain Performance

The human brain is basically almost like a biological computer. The brain needs food, oxygen, and brain also needs exercise. You can do several things to improve the brain's ability to train, modify, or even manipulate it. You probably will not be like Einstein, but it is also not a reason to not make the brain better. The things below will make your brain work better.
Brain Witelson
1. Take a dose of EPA to taste
EPA is a chemical in fish oil which is food for the brain, each person must already know, so why not give fish oil capsules every day to improve his strength. Research shows that fish oil may facilitate increased activity in the brain, improving blood circulation, improving memory and concentration.
2. Sex regularly (Not everyone can do this yes hihihihi)
Having sex can release chemicals that can improve brain power, according to the recent book "Teach yourself. Training your brain "written by a senior teacher and a biologist. Sex is the perfect form of exercise, which also increases blood circulation to the brain. He can reduce stress and tension that lowers the efficiency of the brain's performance.
3. Do a jigsaw puzzleCrosswords, Sudoku or others can make your brain remains in the best condition. Just like muscles, if you do not practice regularly, it will lose its ability to work optimally.
4. Walk awayNothing can beat the fresh air can refresh the mind that can reduce the mental conversations that interfere with the logic and constructive thoughts. A trip on the outskirts of town, near the river or just in the park will help you get rid of gray clouds and helps keep your mind clear.
5. Learn a new languageLearn a new language can be syndrome of dementia (deterioration of the brain) up to four years according to an article published in New Scientist. The reason for this has not definitely known, but believed that he had close ties with the increased blood circulation and nerve connections are good.
6. LaughLaughter not only is the best medicine, it also can enhance brain function and stimulates both sides of the brain at the same time. Make sure you laugh every day. Laugh laugh before it was banned.
7. Being creativeMelukislah or learn a new instrument, join the art class even if you believe you are terrible at it. Being creative allows you to find new solutions to old problems and raise awareness at the same time.
8. Learning to throw stuffResearch from the University of Regensburg in Germany scanned the brains of a jugglers (juggler who throws stuff) and found that this activity can improve brain structures. After practicing for three months, the brain will show a significant improvement in two parts, namely the mid-and posterior portal intraprietal left sulcus.
9. Connecting with your childish natureEinstein once said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and he used it on several experiments that eventually made him discover the calculation of the most famous of all time (E = MC ²).

some advice to train our brains to be able to think better by James Thornton, author of The Brain Yields Its Secrets ...
10. Determining the Right time
Many people who think clearly during the morning and also a lot of people who think clearly during the afternoon / evening ... Look for the "thinking time" the best mu ...
11. Get a good education without excessive
An expert psychologist said that school education has a positive influence to improve one's creativity ...

12. Creating a Note
Note that you create will be a memory tool number one!
13. Good Eating
Give your brain foods that contain anti-oxidants and omega 3 to maximize the power of neural ...
14. Making Donkey bridge
When receiving new information, try to make do with old information that ... Make it something that you have memorized as a dependent (mnemonics) ...
15. Practicing with Persistence
Learn and repeat or train new lessons and skills that can transform an organization's systems in the brain ... Exercise makes the brain work continuously increased compared with those who have never trained his brain ...
16. Dig Your ideas
Our ability to analyze and evaluate facts and make a decision to make our valued ...
17. Eden Living Pet Professionals Choice
Research proves that being married to someone who is intelligent or creative will help us to process your brain with continuous nerve stimulation ... So, do not look for pairs of origin klo ...
18. Looking for a lot of experience
Creative ability often allows us to cultivate and adapt the solutions from one field to another and from one experience to another experience ...
19. Imitate the way to think of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci thought by balancing the left brain (art-> music, etc.) and the right brain (the lesson) ...
20. Attention
The trick is to constantly remember information so that we build a bank of memory in our brain ...
21. Listen to Mozart
A study proves that students who hear this music, their brain becomes more active connected ...
22. Fitness
Physical fitness also affect the brain working ...
23. Trying new things
Try doing things that are new, of course, positive things ...
24. Focus

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